Naming Conventions in Pega

Usually, we all neglect the naming conventions for attributes, functions, rule types but it gives a lot of impact on software development. The naming conventions help to track the attributes of the project and error solving can be made easier. Pega provides the certain naming conventions for the smooth flow of project development.

  • Use short and precise names for defining a rule
  • The name should reflect the purpose of the work
  • Capitalize every first letter of the word. Use Camel-Case formatting.
  • Don’t include any special characters

Data Classes:-
Data class holds the real-time entities Use a proper noun to define its name.For example Data-Org-Contact, Data-Org-Account, Data-Org-Policy etc.

Flow Actions:-
Flow action represents the type of action that is going to perform in the case. So use verb and noun convention. For example CollectDetails, ApproveClaim, process loans, VerifyUser etc.

Add prefix Pre for pre-activity or data transform used in the flow action.
Add prefix Post for post-activity or data transform used in the flow action.
Add prefix Val for validation rules used in the flow action.
Use the same flow action name as section name, if it is called from flow action.

Properties hold the data of an entity. Use nouns to define properties. For example, FirstName, EmailId, PolicyNumber etc.

Case Types:-
Case type reflects the kind of work that customers are going to do. A name should be very intuitive, so use proper qualify noun. For example, use home insurance but not just an Insurance, we need to qualify it with another noun. Some more examples like PersonalLoan, UpdateProfile etc.

Stages & Steps:-
Stages represent the phase of the process, so use the gerund, a noun ending with (ing) as a convention.For example, financing, underwriting, review etc. Steps indicate the kind of work the user will do, the step name should describe the overall purpose. So use noun plus verb like Collect Information, Submit Application, Approve Claims etc.

Use java naming standard for defining a function. Example generateRandomNumbers, calculate amount etc..

Activities/Data transforms:-
Activities or data transform performs calculations or process the work. So start their names with a verb that indicates what does it does. In most cases, follow the verb with a noun or noun phrase indicating what it operates on. For example, GenerateUserId, GetAccountDetails, CreateLoanRequest etc.




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