Case Type and Case in Pega

Managing all business transactions in an individual way so that it leads you to result in a positive or negative.

In Pega, each business transaction is a Case Type.

 What is case type?

Suppose you are going to open an account in any bank what are the things you follow?

  1. First, you will fill the form.
  2. Selects Payment mode to open the new account
  3. Will submit the required documents
  4. After that document verification
  5. Approvals from the bank manager

After all these steps you will get the bank account.

If we convert this transaction into Pega it will become case type.

Yes! Each case type has steps. All the steps categorized into some stages.


  1. Form filling is coming under customer details collection category.
  2. Payment mode comes under payment category.
  3. Documents submission and verification come under document category.
  4. Approval from manager falls under approval category.

In every point I mentioned category; in Pega terms, these categories are called as stages.

->So simply every transaction is a case, every category is a stage and every to do the thing is a step.Yes, of course, one transaction has zero or greater than or equal to transactions also will include.For example, if you consider online shopping websites; placing an order, delivery, after delivery taking feedback, giving some offers, lucky draws, lucky 100 customers so on; All together is business.


In Pega, if we implement this online shopping business; placing an order, delivery, taking feedback and so on business transactions becomes case types and managing them together; we can call it is a case management.

But each and everyone is different and related to each other.

This case management provides a simple understanding between developers and end-users as the terms are similar to our daily business language. Each and every case has its one track. Which means we can see each and every audit of the business transactions. Even this case management tells how much work a user has or how they are delaying the transactions, what actions you can take on those transactions….. everything you can find so easily.

                                                                            –      Raghava. Pasupunoori

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